scriptCG News: Openly selling rice from government ration shops, no action is being taken against the owners… | Latest News | Patrika News

CG News: Openly selling rice from government ration shops, no action is being taken against the owners…

CG News: People who buy rice are roaming from village to village in vehicles and exchanging rice from the public distribution system with HMT Khanda and other varieties of rice.

RajnandgaonSep 26, 2024 / 01:54 am

Patrika Desk

rajnandgaon news cg news
The government is openly selling rice meant for the public distribution system at a high price, and then selling it in the market. People who buy rice are roaming from village to village in vehicles and exchanging rice from the public distribution system with HMT Khanda and other varieties of rice. It is being told that the administration is aware of this racket, but the responsible officials are not taking any action, which is giving rise to suspicions of their involvement.

Ration shops do not have fixed opening days and timing

The government provides free rice to priority families under the public distribution system. The government buys this rice at a high price and then distributes it. In such a situation, this kind of act is like cheating the government. It is being told that the operators of government ration shops are also involved in this racket. Therefore, the administration needs to take strict action to curb such activities.
The government ration shops do not have fixed opening days and timings. Due to this, the poor have to make rounds of the shops to get their rations. People say that the shops do not open on time, and they have to leave their daily wage work to get their rations.
People who buy rice are fooling the government and selling the rice meant for the poor at a high price, earning a huge profit. This racket is being operated openly in many grain shops in the city, including the one in front of the post office, the grain shop on the market line, the grain shop in front of the fashion cloth shop on Gaurav Path Road, and many other places. This racket is making a mockery of the government’s public distribution system and food security law. Despite this, no investigation is being done.

News / Rajnandgaon / CG News: Openly selling rice from government ration shops, no action is being taken against the owners…

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