The former Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party convenor, Arvind Kejriwal, is currently out on bail in connection with the liquor scam. The Supreme Court imposed certain conditions on his bail. BJP and Congress leaders are arguing that these conditions prevent Kejriwal from holding the Chief Minister’s office, signing files, or even chairing official meetings. Therefore, they claim, even if he wins, he cannot become CM.
Attempt to Weaken the Kejriwal Factor
In Delhi, the Aam Aadmi Party’s success has largely been attributed to Arvind Kejriwal’s charisma. As a strategic move, the BJP and Congress are publicising the bail conditions to convey that even if the AAP wins, Kejriwal will not be the Chief Minister. These parties believe that voters who solely support Kejriwal as their Chief Minister might be swayed by this uncertainty. Read this too – Delhi Election: Poster War Ignites Political Row The Truth Behind the Claims
The Supreme Court indeed imposed certain conditions on Kejriwal’s bail, but it did not impose any restriction on him becoming the Chief Minister. The Supreme Court stated that it could not order Kejriwal to resign or not resign from the Chief Minister’s post. The court reasoned that it was uncertain whether a court could order an elected leader to resign or refrain from functioning as CM or Minister. The court left the final decision to Arvind Kejriwal. However, after being released on bail, Kejriwal stepped down as Chief Minister and handed over the reins to Atishi.