Train services have been suspended on the Lumding-Badarpur single-line section. After the train derailed, NF Railway cancelled the Guwahati-New Jalpaiguri Special Train and the Rangiya-Silchar-Rangiya Express on Thursday, and the two trains were cancelled on Friday. Meanwhile, the Agartala-Lokmanya Terminus Express has been short-terminated at Badarpur, the Silchar-Kanchanjunga Express at Maibong, and the Dullabcherra-Guwahati Express at New Haflong. The helpline numbers at Lumding are 03674 263120, 03674 263126.
Northeast Frontier Railway Zone’s CPRO said, ‘Eight coaches, including the power car and engine, derailed. Fortunately, there are no reports of anyone being killed or seriously injured.’
CM Himanta Biswa Sarma posted, ‘There are no reports of major casualties or injuries, and all passengers are safe. We are coordinating with railway authorities and a relief train will reach the site soon.’