Gujarat Borewell Accident: 22-year-old Indra Meena, who fell into a 540-foot-deep borewell in Kandherai village, Bhuj tehsil, Kutch district on Monday, ultimately lost her battle for life after a 32-hour struggle. The Kutch district administration, police, fire brigade, and NDRF teams were involved in the rescue operation. Although she was eventually pulled out of the borewell, the medical team at the hospital declared her dead upon arrival.
Teams, including the Kutch District Collector, arrived at the scene immediately after receiving reports of Indra’s fall into the 540-foot-deep borewell at 6 am on Monday. During the rescue operation, late Monday night, when only 60 feet remained to reach her, she slipped back into the borewell after becoming detached from the rescue equipment.
After twice reaching a distance of 100 feet within 30 hours, she slipped back down to 500 feet, making the rescue extremely challenging. Finally, the rescue teams succeeded in pulling her out on Tuesday, but were unable to save her life.
Teams toiled for 32 hours
In addition to the NDRF, the BSF, Army, Disaster Fire Department, and local administration worked for 32 hours to rescue Indra. After receiving information about Indra’s fall into the borewell on Monday morning, local administration and fire brigade rescue teams used a camera to identify the depth. Over 20 attempts were made using various equipment until 5 p.m. The NDRF team arrived at 5 p.m. and took over the rescue operation.
A pall of grief has descended over Kandherai village following the incident. Indra, originally from Talaipal village in Pratapgarh district, Rajasthan, had come to Kutch district with her family to work in paddy fields.
Mobile phone found with the young woman in the borewell
Police investigations revealed that the borewell was closed and covered with a heavy stone. An investigation is underway to determine who removed the stone, how it was removed, and how the young woman fell into it. Family members have also been questioned. Indra’s mobile phone was found with her inside the borewell.
Argument with fiance over phone
Preliminary police investigations suggest that the young woman had a phone argument with her fiancé, Eshwar, who resides in Rajasthan, before the incident. Other family members were also informed about this.
News / National News / Borewell Accident: 22-Year-Old Woman Loses Fight for Life After Falling into Borewell; Had Argued with Fiance Over Phone