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Om Birla praised Mahatma Gandhi in Geneva: Still Inspiration For World Leaders

Om Birla: In Geneva, Om Birla paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi. He also met with the chairpersons of several countries’ parliaments.

New DelhiOct 17, 2024 / 10:28 am

Patrika Desk

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said that Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings transcend national boundaries and remind us that global challenges such as climate change, gender equality, and conflict can be addressed through unity, sensitivity, and cooperation. Birla said this after paying tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s statue in Geneva. He added that Mahatma Gandhi, a symbol of peace and non-violence, still inspires world leaders and nations today.
During his visit to Geneva, Birla leads the Indian parliamentary delegation to the 149th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly. He met with the President of the Swiss National Council, Eric Nussbaumer, and emphasized the need to strengthen bilateral relations and increase cooperation on multilateral platforms. In his meeting with the President of the Thai Senate, Mongkol Sonakul, Birla discussed trade and investment and cultural, linguistic, and religious ties between the two countries. Birla also met with the President of the Armenian National Assembly, Alen Simonyan, the Speaker of the Maldivian People’s Majlis, Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed, and the Speaker of the Nepalese National Assembly, Nayaran Prasad Dawadi.

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