Uttar Pradesh-based Sudhir Kumar Yadav, a resident of Shyam Nagar, Kanpur, was stationed in Porbandar, Gujarat. He had been serving in the Coast Guard for the past eight years. On Sunday, a Coast Guard advanced light helicopter, on a routine flight, crashed while landing on the runway. All crew members sustained injuries. According to officials, Commandant Saurabh, Deputy Commandant Sudhir Kumar Yadav, and Naik Manoj Pradhan were taken to the hospital in an injured state. Doctors declared two dead on arrival, while one succumbed to injuries during treatment.
Married 10 months ago
The news has sent shockwaves through the family. Deputy Commander Sudhir Kumar Yadav’s father, Nawab Singh Yadav, is a retired army personnel who later joined the State Bank of India, where he currently serves as a manager. His brother, Dharmendra Singh Yadav, is in the Air Force. Sudhir Kumar Yadav had married 10 months ago to a judicial judge in Patna. The entire family is inconsolable.