Certain habits can drain your energy, leaving you feeling exhausted. Let’s explore the habits that contribute to this feeling of tiredness. Energy levels can be significantly impacted by these habits, making it crucial to address them.
Feeling tired in the morning: Poor Diet A heavy meal at night puts pressure on your digestive system, affecting your sleep quality and leading to fatigue upon waking. Avoid heavy, fried, or sugary foods. Opt for light, nutritious meals instead, and finish eating 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Feeling tired in the morning: Stress and Anxiety Going to bed with stress and worries prevents your body from relaxing, resulting in incomplete sleep. Practise techniques like meditation or deep breathing to alleviate this.
Feeling tired in the morning: Excessive Caffeine Intake Consuming caffeine before bed interferes with sleep. While many people consume tea or coffee throughout the day, this can prevent your body from fully resting. Avoid caffeine in the evening.
Feeling tired in the morning: Late-Night Screen Time Spending excessive time on mobile phones, laptops, or TVs late at night directly impacts sleep quality. The blue light emitted from screens disrupts your sleep cycle, leading to fatigue in the morning. Stop using screens at least an hour before bedtime.
Feeling tired in the morning: Dehydration Insufficient water intake throughout the day directly affects your energy levels, leading to fatigue. Ensure you drink adequate amounts of water. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended to raise awareness about diseases and health issues. It is not a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Readers are advised to consult an expert or doctor for any medication, treatment, or prescription.