Police said that the businessman filed a complaint at the police station late Monday night. However, the police have not disclosed the name of the businessman. In his report, the victim stated that a ransom of ₹5 crore was demanded via a WhatsApp call on Monday night. The caller identified himself as an associate of gangster Rohit Godara. The victim stated that he was threatened with death if the money was not paid.
Increased Home Security
Police said that the businessman stated that his son also received a threatening call. A case has been registered at Sri Bijayanagar police station in this regard. Following the threat, security has been increased at the businessman’s house, with police personnel deployed outside. In September last year, firing took place at the house of trader Shyokat Ali in the ‘Chak Teen E Chhoti’ area of Sri Ganganagar. It is alleged that the gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s associate, Rohit Godara’s gang, carried out this firing on contract.
A ransom of ₹1 crore was demanded from the businessman in the name of Rohit Godara. In May last year, he was threatened over the phone. Subsequently, he received 8 more calls, but he did not answer them.