He questioned visitors and provided instructions to the police officers. Harmeet Singh Mehandiratta, President of the Joint Traders’ Federation, and Murari Parashar, former president of the Company Bagh Development Committee, were present during this time. It is noteworthy that there had been illicit activities of prostitution taking place openly in Company Bagh for a long time. Rajasthan Patrika exposed this by publishing a report.
Police Deployment
“We received information about illicit activities in Company Bagh. Action has been taken against those involved in illegal activities. The Company Bagh guards have also been instructed to immediately inform the police about any unethical activities. Furthermore, a shift-wise duty roster has been implemented for male and female police officers.” – Angad Sharma, CO City.
Bring the Entire Gang to Justice
The truth is always bitter, and the truth is that Company Bagh was under the control of a gang openly running a sex trafficking operation. Rajasthan Patrika consistently fulfils its social responsibility. Once again, Patrika, at considerable risk, used a sting operation to expose the sex trafficking in Company Bagh. This shameful truth, which shamed every citizen of the city, prompted several organisations to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Patrika. Under pressure, the police and administration conducted a raid in Company Bagh on Friday, arresting two women involved in sex trafficking. This caused panic among the sex trafficking gang, forcing them underground. Police teams conducted raids late into the night to apprehend them.
Congratulations to the police and administration for this action. Kudos to the organisations and individuals who participated in Rajasthan Patrika’s campaign. However, this police action must not end here. The other members of the gang must also be brought to justice. Those faces who are running this shameful business from behind the scenes must also be exposed.
The police and administration must also ensure that this gang does not become active in Company Bagh again in the future. People want the sex trade to end in Company Bagh and across the entire city. In response to public sentiment, the police and administration should launch a large-scale campaign to curb this, because sex trafficking is not only happening in Company Bagh but also in many other places in the city. Eradicating all such gangs is in the best interest of society. There is no place for such heinous activities in a civilised society. – Harwinder Luthra