Seven suspects were taken into custody by Jabalpur police in a raid at the Samarth Home Stay hotel in Pachmarhi. This action was taken in connection with the murder of the four young men in Timri village. The suspects, their faces covered with cloth, were transported to Jabalpur. Reports suggest that all the suspects arrived in Pachmarhi at night in a car without number plates.
Four individuals from two families were murdered in Timri, Patan, Jabalpur. On Tuesday, when the ambulances carrying the bodies arrived in the village after post-mortem examinations, the relatives blocked the Jabalpur-Damoh highway. Only after persuasion by MP Ashish Dubey and police officials did the relatives relent and take the bodies for the last rites. The highway remained blocked for about an hour and a half.
Sources suggest that Jabalpur police have apprehended 10 accused in the murders. Some of these accused were hiding in a hotel in Pachmarhi fearing arrest. However, Jabalpur police have not yet confirmed this information.