Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor recently shared photos of her new hairstyle on social media. In the pictures, Shraddha looks like a doll. She shared two pictures on Instagram; the first is a mirror selfie taken inside a salon, and the second is a selfie taken in a lift. Shraddha was wearing a denim shirt and blue trousers, and her smile enhanced her look.
Throwback Video Garners Attention
Some time ago, Shraddha Kapoor shared a throwback video montage from 2024. The video showed her enjoying delicious food, celebrating Holi with friends, and spending quality time with family.
Shraddha’s Special Bond with Shyloh
Shraddha Kapoor frequently shares fun posts with her pet dog, ‘Shyloh’. Recently, she shared a picture of Shyloh sitting in a trolley bag on her Instagram story.
Shraddha captioned the picture, “Bag packed and ready, but where’s his ticket?” The background music was Amitabh Bachchan and Neetu Kapoor’s song ‘Tere Jaisa Yaar Kahan’ from the film ‘Yaarana’, which added a special touch to the picture.
Stree 2’s Grand Success in 2024
2024 was a special year for Shraddha Kapoor. Her film ‘Stree 2’ was a box office hit. The film’s success once again placed Shraddha among Bollywood’s top actresses. Shraddha Kapoor continues to rule the hearts of her fans with her beautiful style and fun posts.