Reports suggest that all the personnel were returning from an operation in Abujhmad on Sunday and hailed from Dantewada and Bijapur. The explosion occurred at 2:15 pm. The blast was so powerful that the vehicle was completely destroyed, with the soldiers’ clothing and body parts found entangled in tree branches. Identifying the vehicle itself proved difficult; its parts were found hanging from a tree at a height of 25 feet. A 10-foot crater was left on the road.
Naxals Aware of Return Route
It is believed that the Naxals were aware of the route the security personnel would take after completing the operation. This route has been used by security forces returning from Abujhmad operations in the past. The martyred soldiers were from Dantewada and were returning after completing a joint operation. The Naxals knew the location of a heavy IED and used it, connecting long wires to trigger the blast.Wire Connected 200 Metres from Blast Site
The Naxals detonated the IED on the main road. They climbed a tree 200 metres away from the blast site to connect the IED wires. This is a common tactic used by Naxals in Bastar when conducting IED blasts on roads. Their elevated position provides a clear view of vehicle movement, allowing them to connect the wires as the vehicle approaches the IED.Naxals are Frustrated, Their End is Near
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister, Vishnu Dev Sai, stated that eight personnel and a driver were martyred in the blast. He paid tribute to their sacrifice, assuring that it would not be in vain. He attributed the cowardly act to the frustration of the Naxals due to their continuous defeats. He expressed confidence that Naxalism would soon be eradicated from Chhattisgarh, restoring peace to the region.Bijapur IED Blast: Martyred Personnel
- Budhram Korsa, son of Pandu Korsa, DRG
2. Somdu Vetti, son of Sanu Vetti, Bastar Fighters - Sudarshan Vetti, son of Asharam, Bastar Fighters
- Subarnath Yadav, son of Shridhar Yadav, Bastar Fighters
- Harish Korram, son of Gondhu, Bastar Fighters
- Doomma Markam, son of Ayatu Markam, DRG
- Pandru Ram Poyay, son of late Joga Poyam, DRG
- Baman Sodhi, son of late Hadma Sodhi, DRG
- Civilian driver, Tuleshwar Rana