Since the photo went viral, the woman’s social media accounts have been flooded with abusive comments. It is now understood that the viral photo is not of the Rajasthan teacher but of Mini Golchha, a digital creator from Madhya Pradesh. The creator has also shared a video on her social media accounts.
In the video, she is heard saying, “My picture is being misused. People are doing this to increase their views, and I have taken action against them. I have filed a complaint with the police and cyber crime cell.”
Who is Mini Golchha?
Mini Golchha , a social media content creator, is from Madhya Pradesh. She has accounts on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Following the misuse of her photograph, she has been trolled and has filed a police complaint.
The Full Story
A video from a government school in Chittorgarh district, Rajasthan, went viral. The video, captured on CCTV, showed the school principal, Arvind Nath Vyas and a female teacher engaging in indecent acts. The video went viral on social media, leading the education department to dismiss both individuals from their jobs.