On social media, the Rajya Sabha MP wrote, “A high-level committee of 5 members has been formed, including the Additional DGP (International). The committee will investigate the H-Tech drones used by Kuki militants, which killed one woman and injured several others, including 3 policemen, in Koutruk village, Manipur. The report will be submitted by 13/9/24.”
Earlier, Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh condemned the latest incident of violence and said that dropping bombs on civilians and security forces using drones is an “act of terrorism”. Singh wrote in a post, “Using drones to drop bombs on civilian populations and security forces is an act of terrorism, and I strongly condemn such cowardly acts. The Manipur state government takes such unprovoked attacks very seriously and will take necessary action to counter such terrorism and protect our indigenous population.”
Manipur Police Confirm
Earlier, the Manipur police had confirmed the use of drones in the attack on Koutruk, saying, “In an unprecedented attack, suspected Kuki militants used high-tech drones to deploy multiple RPGs in Koutruk. While drones have been used in ordinary wars, this recent deployment of drones to drop explosives on security forces and civilians marks a significant escalation.” On September 2, during a search operation and area domination exercise by security forces in the border and sensitive areas, the police recovered 1 drone from Kharum Wai Fei in Kangpokpi district.