According to Delhi Police, on Tuesday night, at a busy intersection in Bharat Nagar, North-West Delhi, members of a ‘slingshot gang’ used a slingshot to smash the window of a sedan and rob jewellery worth one crore rupees.
How was the Crime Committed?
Vijay Verma, owner of ‘Vijay Gems’, a jewellery shop in Karol Bagh, left his shop around 8:15 pm and was heading home to Shalimar Bagh with his son and driver. Two individuals on a scooter began following them. Around 9 pm, Verma called the police, reporting that near Lakshmibai College, robbers had snatched his bag containing jewellery worth ₹1 crore. Deputy Commissioner of Police (North-West), Bishram Singh, stated, “CCTV footage shows that at a red light near the college, two individuals on a scooter stopped near their car. The pillion rider used a slingshot to break the window and snatched the bag before fleeing.”
What did the Police Say?
Police stated that the perpetrators appear to be part of a “slingshot gang” known for using slingshots to commit robberies across Delhi. CCTV footage is being analysed, and their routes are being traced to apprehend them.