Gautam Adani shared his life experiences, including coming to Mumbai at the age of 16 and working as a diamond trader. He also talked about how he was denied admission to Jai Hind College, but he did not give up and instead moved forward.
Student Union Chairman Revealed
Student Union Chairman Vikram Nananani revealed that Gautam Adani had come to Mumbai at the age of 16. He applied for admission to Jai Hind College in 1977 or 1978, but his application was rejected. Despite having a brother studying in the same college, his application was rejected. After that, he started working and adopted an alternative career path. He worked in diamond trading in Mumbai for two years before moving to Gujarat.
When Did He Start His Company?
Gautam Adani started his company in 1998, which traded in commodities. Within the next 2.5 years, his companies expanded into ports, mining, infrastructure, power, city gas, renewable energy, cement, and data centers. Today, Gautam Adani is a well-known name globally.
Breaking Boundaries is Necessary to Move Forward
Talking about the ‘Breaking Boundaries: The Power of Passion and Unconventional Paths to Success’ – Gautam Adani said that when he was 16, he decided to break his boundaries. He said that he had to leave his education and move towards business. Many people asked him, ‘Why did you leave Mumbai? Why didn’t you complete your education?’ He said that he got the courage to do something in this city. Mumbai was his training place for business. This city taught him to think big. You have to have the courage to see beyond your limitations in life.