Mumbai police produced the two arrested shooters, Gurmail Singh and Dharamraj Kashyap, in the Esplanade Court on Sunday evening. The court sent Gurmail Singh to police custody till October 21. However, Dharamraj Kashyap was not sent to police custody. He had claimed to be a minor, but the police said that according to his Aadhaar card, he was an adult at the time of the incident. The court, however, did not send him to police custody and ordered an ossification test to determine his age.
The Mumbai police have conducted an ossification test on Dharamraj Kashyap, which confirmed that he is an adult. It is reported that Dharamraj will be produced in the Esplanade Court again today, and the crime branch will seek his custody.
An ossification test is a medical procedure that determines a person’s age by analyzing the degree of fusion of their bones. It is a popular method of age determination.