India’s win also benefited Sri Lanka. Before the Galle Test, Sri Lanka was at the fourth spot with a 42.86 winning percentage, but now it has reached the third spot with a 50% winning percentage. On the other hand, New Zealand’s winning percentage was 50 before this match, which has now dropped to 42.86%. It is worth noting that Sri Lanka also benefited from India’s win against Bangladesh in the Chennai Test. India’s win had taken Sri Lanka from the fifth to the fourth spot.
Pakistan and the West Indies are at the bottom
Now, India is at the top with a 71.67 winning percentage, followed by Australia with a 62.50 winning percentage. Sri Lanka and New Zealand are followed by England, which is in the fifth spot with a 42.19 winning percentage. Bangladesh is at the sixth spot with a 39.29 winning percentage, and South Africa is at the seventh spot with a 38.89 winning percentage. Pakistan is at the eighth spot with a 19.05 winning percentage, and West Indies is at the bottom with an 18.52 winning percentage.