Saif Ali Khan Attack: Actor Saif Ali Khan is reportedly stable and recovering after an attack. He is currently receiving treatment at Lilavati Hospital. Mumbai Police are on high alert following the incident, investigating various locations and taking all necessary steps to apprehend the suspect. Meanwhile, an image of the suspect has emerged, showing him changing clothes to conceal his identity.
Evading Capture by Changing Clothes
The released image shows the alleged attacker initially wearing a yellow shirt. He was later spotted near Bandra station in different clothes. The image, reportedly from CCTV footage near Saif’s home and the Lucky Hotel area in Bandra, is timestamped at 8 am. The attacker’s appearance has changed; he is seen wearing a light blue shirt.
Investigating officers have obtained another CCTV footage of the suspect, dated 12 January, from the Versova area. The clip shows the suspect stealing shoes.
Over 40 Crime Branch Teams Searching for the Accused
Mumbai’s local police and the Crime Branch have formed over 40 teams to apprehend the accused, searching various areas across Mumbai, Thane, and Palghar districts.
Police are reportedly questioning individuals seen roaming the area at night, as well as those with prior police records. At least 15 people were brought to the police station for questioning yesterday. The image was captured on CCTV cameras while the attacker was moving between Bandra Police Station and the railway station. Police teams are intensively investigating the matter.
It’s been over 50 hours since the attack on Saif Ali Khan, and the police have yet to apprehend the fleeing suspect. It is noteworthy that in the early hours of Thursday, a burglar, intending to steal, attacked actor Saif Ali Khan with a sharp weapon. The actor sustained injuries and was admitted to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery. His team released a statement confirming he is now out of danger.