scriptIIT Bhilai: This magical ink prepared in IIT Bhilai will fill wounds instantly on getting hurt… | Latest News | Patrika News
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IIT Bhilai: This magical ink prepared in IIT Bhilai will fill wounds instantly on getting hurt…

IIT Bhilai: This polymer-based ink can bring revolution in the field of biomedical engineering. Since it is injectable, it can take its original shape anywhere it is used.

BhilaiSep 27, 2024 / 05:25 pm

Patrika Desk

IIT Bhilai
IIT Bhilai has created a special type of ink by combining 3D printing technology. This ink can bring revolution in the field of biomedical engineering. Polymer-based, it is injectable, which means it can take its original shape anywhere it is used. IIT has prepared it in the first phase for engineering applications and biomedical purposes.
The smart injectable ink material developed under the leadership of Professor Dr. Sanjib Banerjee of the Department of Chemistry, IIT Bhilai, can be used to the greatest extent in medical science to cap hole wounds. For instance, during war, soldiers often get severely injured. In such cases, this injectable ink can help reduce blood loss. Further research will continue for the next three years to make it more robust.

Will become an alternative to Titanium

Dr. Sanjib Banerjee said that the prototype of this material has been tested at IIT, which has been successful. The special feature of this material is that it is completely biocompatible, making it safe to use. This ink will work like a cap hole. It has strength equivalent to steel, which increases its capacity manifold. Until now, titanium was used to cap holes in case of injuries, which had negative effects on the body in the long run. This special material can work as an alternative to it.

Published in International Journal

The researchers who developed this ink say that IIT is now focusing on further developing its capabilities. In the coming time, this ink will be used to fix problems in airplanes. IIT’s research has been published in the prestigious international journal Advanced Functional Materials. This research has been dedicated to IIT Bhilai, DSIR, Government of India, and SERB.

News / News Bulletin / IIT Bhilai: This magical ink prepared in IIT Bhilai will fill wounds instantly on getting hurt…

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