अपूर्ण अथवा खोए हुए प्रेम संबंधों का विलाप करना
(My grandmother has been wearing the green willow ever since my grandfather died.) Orange
नारंगी/संतरा फल
(She went to the shop to get some oranges.)
नारंगी रंग में
(The door was painted orange.) orange
नारंगी रंग जैसी
(Witnesses reported seeing a huge orange fireball as the oil refinery exploded.) orangeade
पेय पदार्थ, जिसमें संतरे का स्वाद हो
(She finished the whole can of orangeade.)
संतरे से बना पेय
(I prefer to take orange squash after lunch.) navel orange
संतरे का एक प्रकार, जिसमें प्राय: बीज नहीं होते हैं
(Navel oranges are rarely grown in India.) Orange like flavour
संतरे जैसा स्वाद
(The drink has orange like flavour.)
संतरे के पेड़ के फूल
(Orange blossom is white and is traditionally associated with weddings in Europe and America.) orange-wood
संतरे के पेड़ की लकड़ी
(the orange wood is used in turnery and carving.) orangey
संतरे जैसा
(The orangey flavour of the drink was liked by all.)
ठंडी जलवायु में संतरे उगाने का संरक्षित स्थान
(He has developed an orangery where he grows oranges.)